Courtney and I have been pretty liberal about putting Dooley on a leash when she goes out lately. Normally, Dooley’s typical outings to the great outdoors consist of walking no more than three of four steps past the bottom of the stairs, doing her business, and then come running back upstairs as fast as she can because a tree looked at her the wrong way and she didn’t like it. Our dog questions and is somewhat fearful of pretty much everything outside including birds, cats, the wind, and sometimes sticks that look suspiciously out of place to her.
Well, the last couple weeks we have been trying to take her out more often and let her explore to get used to things outside of her cushy condo lifestyle.
Courtney and I decided to go outside to play with the dog, and Dooley decided that she did not want to play with the tennis ball we brought with us. Instead, she thought it would be more her style to run into the water behind the house. Thus, the black muddy paws in the picture. Next time we will have to keep a closer eye on Dooley the Bulldog.